For those with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is one of the best ways to ensure a good night’s sleep. However, have you ever considered what would happen if your CPAP machine lost power suddenly? While that scenario won’t happen every night, a power outage could cause your CPAP machine to stop at any time.
To keep your CPAP machine running during a power outage, you will need to transition to a backup power supply. Portable power stations are one of the most popular options as alternative CPAP power supplies. However, no two Power banks are identical. So choosing the best one for you will take some research.
In this article, we’ll tell you all you need to know about using your CPAP machine during a power outage. Let’s begin by exploring the best way to be prepared whenever that situation arises.

Have a Backup Power Supply Nearby
The vast majority of CPAP machines run on electricity while they operate. As such, most of the time you use one of these machines, it will be connected to an electrical outlet in your wall. But whether a power outage is a cause or not, your home’s electricity could become disconnected at any unpredictable moment.
Since CPAP machines are such a vital piece of medical equipment, it is crucial that you have a backup power supply nearby. Fortunately, there are many external batteries on the market that you can use to power your CPAP machine when the power goes out.
Most of these external batteries are portable and have a reasonable battery life of several hours to several days. That means you should have no issue sleeping through one or two stormy nights while relying on your alternative power source.
If you like to skip reading and go with our top choice Battery Power Bank Backup for your CPAP machine, check here: EnginStar Solar Generator with 100W Solar Panel, 80,000mAh Portable Power Bank. This unit is dependable and includes solar panels to recharge the battery bank during the day for your use at night, even if your home loses power for weeks.

Anticipate Upcoming Power Outages
Having an external CPAP battery bank is not enough to keep you safe in case of a sudden power outage. What you will also need to do is engage in the proper preparation that will allow you to transition to this alternative power source as quickly as possible. Here are a few preemptive measures you can take to ensure that you are ready to run your CPAP machine on a battery at a moment’s notice:
- Store your battery near your bed/CPAP machine
- Make sure your battery is near fully charged
- Check weather forecasts regularly
- Have a backup travel CPAP machine handy
If your power goes out while using your CPAP machine, you will want to hook it up to your battery as soon as possible. Having the power bank near your machine will make the switch that much easier. But remember, a CPAP external battery power bank is something your will need to charge before use. Neglecting to do so will leave you without a power supply when you need it most.
As a final preparation point for CPAP battery use, you should pay attention to the local weather. Often, the storms that are powerful enough to knock out your power are ones we know about in advance. If one such storm is coming your way, plan on using your CPAP battery that night rather than your outlet. This will ensure no interruption in your CPAP machine use, even if you have a blackout. It will also protect your CPAP machine from power surges.
Choose the Right Battery Power Bank
How to Get the Most out of Your Power Bank for Running a CPAP machine?
A power bank for your CPAP should be dependable, with a large capacity, and can be recharged using alternative clean power. In case of an extended emergency, such as an ice storm, your home may lose power for days. What happens when your power bank’s battery is drained? Can you depend on your car battery (or gas availability) to recharge your battery bank? That is why our top choice is the EnginStar Solar Generator with 100W Solar Panel, 80,000mAh Portable Power Bank. It has a large capacity for hours of CPAP function. It can be recharged in multiple ways, including the included solar panels, and it is highly rated.
To maximize the running time of your CPAP battery backup, make sure you turn OFF the heater and humidifier on your CPAP machine.
A Few Battery Power Bank Alternatives
We have already indicated that an external CPAP battery power bank is the best alternative power source you can use for your CPAP machine. So, if you don’t have one of these batteries and your power goes out, you may be desperate to find a way to power your CPAP machine. Thankfully, there are a few other ways that you can harness enough electricity to keep your machine in operation. Here are some of the most effective ones:
- Car battery – You might have the chance to power your CPAP machine using your car battery. The obvious downside to this approach is that you will need to run your car the entire time. This could lead to you draining your car’s battery. But if you are in dire need of your CPAP machine, that risk might be worth the reward. Do not run your car engine in a closed garage!
- Backup generator – One of the more reliable ways to power your CPAP machine is with a portable gasoline backup generator. These generators have many uses and come in many different varieties. So, before you use one, make sure it is compatible with your CPAP machine. If it is, you will have a dependable power supply for whenever the power goes out.
- Invest in a travel battery-powered CPAP machine – Some CPAP machines are entirely battery-operated already. These machines are ideal for travel situations, but it might be a good idea to have one in your home just in case you experience a power outage.
These methods may seem somewhat obscure. However, they are effective if you have no other way to get power. After all, having a reliable CPAP machine can be a medical necessity for some. To emphasize the importance of these machines, let’s take a deeper dive into the dangers that could arise when a loss of power occurs.
What Happens When CPAP Machines Lose Power?
So far, we have emphasized the importance of having a way to power your CPAP machine in any scenario. But you may be wondering if we have oversold the importance of this practice. To some, it seems that missing the occasional CPAP treatment is nothing to worry about.
It’s true that some people may not have an immediate negative reaction to forgoing CPAP machine use, whether intended or not. However, there is a wide range of undesirable outcomes for those who sleep without their machines.
The severity of these outcomes will vary depending on how long you sleep without your machine as well as your personal medical state. We hope the next few sections will shed some light on what you can expect to happen if your CPAP machine loses power, causing you to sleep the night without its aid.
You May Notice When it Happens
The first occurrence that may take place when your CPAP machine loses power is that you might wake up immediately. Consider this to be the ideal situation. It is far safer for you to notice right away than it is for you to continue sleeping while your CPAP machine is off.
There are usually a few auditory cues that indicate when the power goes out. For instance, you may hear your electronics power down suddenly, or you may hear the noise of the storm that is causing the outage. The physical sensation of your CPAP machine stopping may be enough to rouse you into consciousness as well.
If you manage to wake up when the power goes out, you should take advantage of this by switching to one of your alternative power sources. Follow our tips from earlier to help this process run as efficiently as possible.
Sleep Disturbances Can Occur
Of course, it is best if you wake up when your machine turns off, but that will not always be the case. If you don’t wake up, you are at risk of experiencing a few side effects. Most obviously, your sleep quality will decline. But in addition to that, you may experience these issues as well:
- Extreme fatigue
- Anxiety
- Loud snoring
- Depression
- Insomnia
Those outcomes are nothing that anyone would wish for. But they are entirely possible any time you miss even a single night of using your CPAP machine. Sadly, those side complications are some of the more benign sideeffects you will feel. Out next section will reveal to you a few of the more serious risks that can unfold.
At Times There Are Dangerous Outcomes
Occasionally, sleeping without a CPAP machine can be incredibly dangerous. To illustrate this danger, here are a few of the most worrisome outcomes that can take place:
- Strokes
- High blood pressure
- Sudden cardiac death
Manufacturer’s Battery Backup vs. Portable Power Station
In your search for a CPAP power backup, you may notice that some manufacturers include a battery backup with the purchase of one of their machines. These battery backups are a great option for a few obvious reasons. Most notably, since your machine and your battery backup come from the same company and the same purchase, you can rest assured that both pieces will be compatible.
Likewise, having a battery backup and CPAP machine from the same manufacturer could make troubleshooting and repairs a bit easier. Since both pieces of equipment come from the same company, a representative should know to fix either one. Choosing the manufacturer’s battery backup may also make you eligible for exclusive warranties.
The primary alternative to the manufacturer’s battery backup is to find a portable power station from a third-party vendor. These power stations can be equally effective and can be used to charge your phone or your flashlight! What is most important here is that the power supply you buy has the proper power rating and can connect to your CPAP machine.
As long as those two conditions are in place, you should have no issue using the backup power supply of your choosing. Remember, the vital matter is having a backup power supply that works, not the company that happens to make it.
Other Times You Might Want a Portable CPAP Battery
Most of this article dealt with using a CPAP machine in the event of a power outage. Our best solution there is to have a battery ready to use. However, this does not mean that emergencies are the only time in which it is helpful to have an alternative CPAP machine power source. Here are a few other settings in which such power supplies are advantageous:
- Travel
- Camping
- Long car rides
While none of those situations are inherently threatening, they all present a challenge for those who use CPAP machines at night. To address that challenge, it is a good idea to have a portable battery with you to avoid an interruption in your CPAP machine use.
A Few CPAP Machine FAQ’s
Before we conclude, let’s round out your CPAP knowledge by answering a few of the most commonly asked questions regarding these machines. Read on to ensure you confidence that you know all that goes into using a CPAP machine without power.
Do CPAP Machines Ever Work Without Power?
Most of the time, a CPAP machine must be plugged into an outlet. However, there are a few instances in which you can deviate from this primary power source. External battery packs are a good option as an alternative power source. You can also find some travel CPAP machines that have a built-in battery.
The idea of your CPAP machine losing power may be a scary one to you. But you should know that there are several ways that you can find an alternative power supply. External CPAP batteries are typically the best option. But as our article reveals, there are a few other options as well. Regardless of which you choose, keeping your CPAP machine in regular operation is the best approach you can take.